Sains Malaysiana 53(10)(2024): 3341-3354


Comprehensive Insights into Sitobion avenaePreferences and Performance on Pakistan’s Wheat Cultivars Leading to Identification of Potential RNAi Targets

(Wawasan Komprehensif tentang Keutamaan dan Prestasi Sitobion avenae pada Kultivar Gandum Pakistan yang Membawa kepada Pengenalpastian Sasaran Berpotensi RNAi)




Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Gujrat, Hafiz Hayat Campus, Gujrat Pakistan


Received: 14 January 2024/Accepted: 26 August 2024



Sitobion avenae, a notable hemipteran pest, poses a significant economic threat to Triticum aestivum due to its short generation times and high reproductive rates. Challenges like the development of insecticide resistance, the limited impact of insecticidal genes, and associated risks led to seeking a more precise approach like RNA interference. This study evaluated S. avenae response on seven different local cultivars (Anaj-2021, Subhani-2022, Fakhar-e-Bhakkar-2021, Akbar-2019, Mexi-Pak-2022, Barani-2022, & Dilkash-2022) through aphid preference test, aphid choice assay, and aphid performance test. Further, differential proteomics of S. avenae (pre- and post-feeding on susceptible and resistant wheat cultivars) was performed using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Among the local wheat cultivars, Anaj-2021 was regarded as the most susceptible cultivar while Barani-2022 was declared the most resistant. The differential proteome analysis of Anaj-2021 (S), and Barani-2022 (R) show 11 upregulated proteins including Glutathione S- transferase, Cathepsin, Carbonic anhydrases, Ecdysone induced protein, Odorant binding protein 3, Heat shock protein, Salivary effector protein, SID1-like protein, Sodium channel protein, chemosensory protein, and trypsin were upregulated in S. avenaeon wheat feeding as compared to non-feeding. Trypsin, cathepsin-B and carbonic anhydrases are connected to detoxification and digestion. While odorant binding proteins, salivary effector proteins, sodium channel proteins and ecdysone- induced proteins facilitate feeding process in S. avenae. The enhanced expression of proteins having detoxification, digestion or defense activity implicates their essential role in the survival of S. avenae. Therefore, these proteins have the potential to serve as RNA interference targets, against which double-stranded RNA could be designed and expressed in wheat cultivars to make them resistant to local S. avenae infestation and avert yield loss.


Keywords: Phylogenetic analysis; proteome; RNA interference; SDS-PAGE



Sitobion avenae, perosak hemiptera yang terkenal menimbulkan ancaman ekonomi yang ketara kepada Triticum aestivum kerana masa generasinya yang singkat dan kadar pembiakan yang tinggi. Cabaran seperti pembangunan rintangan racun serangga, kesan terhad gen insektisida dan risiko yang berkaitan membawa kepada mencari pendekatan yang lebih tepat seperti gangguan RNA. Kajian ini menilai tindak balas S. avenae pada tujuh kultivar tempatan yang berbeza (Anaj-2021, Subhani-2022, Fakhar-e-Bhakkar-2021, Akbar-2019, Mexi-Pak-2022, Barani-2022 & Dilkash-2022) melalui aphid ujian keutamaan, ujian pilihan aphid dan ujian prestasi aphid. Selanjutnya, proteomik pembezaan S. avenae (sebelum dan selepas makan pada kultivar gandum yang mudah terdedah dan tahan) dilakukan menggunakan Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Antara kultivar gandum tempatan, Anaj-2021 dianggap sebagai kultivar yang paling mudah terdedah manakala Barani-2022 diisytiharkan paling tahan. Analisis proteom pembezaan Anaj-2021 (S) dan Barani-2022 (R) menunjukkan 11 protein terkawal termasuk Glutathione S- transferase, Cathepsin, Carbonic anhydrases, Ecdysone induced protein, Odorant binding protein 3, Heat shock protein, Salivary effector protein, protein seperti SID1, protein saluran Sodium, protein kemoderia dan tripsin telah dikawal selia dalam S. avenae pada pemberian makan gandum berbanding dengan tidak diberi makan. Trypsin, cathepsin-B dan anhidrase karbonik disambungkan kepada detoksifikasi dan pencernaan. Manakala protein pengikat bau, protein efektor air liur, protein saluran natrium dan protein yang disebabkan oleh ecdysone memudahkan proses penyusuan di S. avenae. Pengekspresan protein yang dipertingkatkan mempunyai aktiviti detoksifikasi, pencernaan atau pertahanan membabitkan peranan pentingnya dalam kemandirian S. avenae. Oleh itu, protein ini berpotensi untuk berfungsi sebagai sasaran gangguan RNA yang terhadapnya RNA untai dua boleh direka bentuk dan diekspresikan dalam kultivar gandum untuk menjadikannya tahan terhadap serangan S. avenae tempatan dan mengelakkan kehilangan hasil.


Kata kunci: Analisis filogenetik; gangguan RNA; proteome; SDS-PAGE



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